How to draw a frog

Drawing a frog is another easy one, as long as you can identify the main features of the fog: highlight the big eyes, mouth and long legs, and you will be close to getting it to look like one.
1. Start with a pear-shape drawing. Again, no need to be very rigid and don't worry if it does not look like mine.
2. Draw the eyes. Frogs have big eyes so the bigger the better. The legs can take the shape of the number '2'. Try that and reflect it for the other leg. Get the toes in place.
3. Now with the idea of '<' and '>' signs, fix the hands to the top part of your pear-shaped body. Give it some long fingers.
4. Time for the eyes again. Put in those black dots in the eye, add a stroke as the mouth (notice how wide it is). You can turn the mouth curling upward or downward to show mood. Now put in a background line to make the frog sit in the fore.

5. Throw in some colour now. See how the line work has transformed into something really cool. This is a cartoon character so you can use red eyes instead of yellow, or blue eyes instead of yellow.
6. Finally we shall add form to it. Try creating a shadow beneath the bottom and legs of the frog. Also, get a lighter green for the stomach area and put some texture on the skin. Frogs have some lumps on their skin so we can show that with some dark dots... There you go! A frog.

I hope you liked it. Its fun to do this and practice sure makes us perfect.