How to draw a duckling

Yay! A duckling is one of the cutest baby animals you would ever see. Its' bright yellow color, head to body proportions are really something... OK let's start!
1. Start with an oval, and try to get one end pointed and slightly skewed, as in fig 1. That will be the body of the little duck
2. Draw a circle for the head, and be mindful of the proportions. They usually have bid heads and we can exaggerate it a bit here.
3. Join the circle to the body, and and introduce a small 'U' for he tiny wings. Add a big beak to the head
4. Add the eye and the legs. Don't worry about getting it right or wrong. Its only a sketch and with with a bit more practice, you will be good at this. At this time, the duckling is alive. Now let us add some color!
5. Throw in some bright yellow for the body and an orange for the beak and legs. Notice how I used a darker shade of orange for the lower beak (mouth). Add some green to the foreground.
6. It is time to add some depth to it, and make it slightly three dimensional. Make the chest part lighter yellow and the back slightly more darker yellow. Add a highlight to the upper beak and make a shadow by darkening the green grass bit where the legs are touching the ground. Add some lines on the green grass. At this point, you are free to add some detail to it. Have fun and hope you enjoyed it.

I hope you liked it. Its fun to do this and practice sure makes us perfect.